Best Non-Stick Pastry Mat

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Best Non-Stick Pastry MatSeveral years ago, I developed a fascination with making pies. Don't get me wrong - I'm no expert, I don't make them all year long, and the crust fights me every time.

However, every Thanksgiving I gladly make six or more pies in a day or two. I look forward to it - which is odd because I tend to avoid the kitchen most of the time. But come November, I'll go on and on about my upcoming event until hubby can no longer hide the rolling of his eyes. (Doesn't bother me. I do the same when he talks about golf so we're even!)

The fact that I'm not an expert on making pies, though, means that I do know a thing or two about making the process easier on myself and one of those ways is to work with the best, non-stick pastry mat you can find.

Several Octobers ago, I set out to find just such a thing. How hard could it be to find one?

Actually, finding them wasn't that hard at all. The trouble was CHOOSING one. I literally spent days haunting the listings online but I struggled to make a decision for one, very odd reason.

The listings at my favorite online retailer seemed chock full of ones that were new to the market. It was as if someone had lit a fire under a number of small sellers and they had all jumped into the pastry mat business at the same time and thrown their wares up on the internet. The reviews were strange, the results mixed, and I couldn't tell a good one from a bad one to save myself.

Only after reading a ton (and I mean hundreds) of reviews on various sites was I finally able to make a decision. My choice for the best one? The first, little beauty you see below.

Joseph Joseph Silicone Non Slip Pastry Mat
Joseph Joseph Silicone Non Slip Pastry Mat

I have the Joseph Joseph Silicone mat in the putty color. I've used it for three years now without any issues. It hasn't torn, it hasn't bled any color onto my crust, it truly stays in place on my counter and it's easy to wash. flexible sturdy non slip pastry matIt's not overly thin and not too thick. It's sturdy enough that it won't rip while you're working with it. Yet, it's extremely pliable so when I go to wash it in the sink I can get all of it into a shallow amount of water and swirl it around. Any remaining flour and pastry stuck to the mat comes right off.

The fact that it rolls up for storage was a plus for me. While I have a pretty large kitchen I'm somehow always short on storage space and I didn't want this to have to sit under a stack of pots or pie plates all year. Instead, it tucks perfectly in between a stack of items so I can pull it out immediately without having to juggle anything. It also fits into the drawer by my stove where I store my larger cooking utensils.

To use it, I wipe the counter first to make sure it's clean and lay the mat down. The counter can be slightly damp or completely dry. Either way, the mat will NOT budge - which is exactly what you want.

No matter how much flour you end up throwing on the mat while you're rolling out your pastry crust, that mat stays in place. None gets under the mat unless you lift it.

Now, another reason I chose this one was because I wanted a mat I COULD lift and flip upside down or roll up and then roll back out over my pie plate to get my crust in place. For some reason, doing that with just my hands never works for me. This mat is about as thick as your final crust thickness and is nearly as flexible but firm enough to hold the dough while you settle it into its final position.

If you do lift it, you wash and dry the mat and clean that space on your counter again. As I always make more than one pie at a time, this has become part of my routine. If you can lift the crust and position it with your hands and not the mat, then you won't have to go through this step. Just sayin' - if you're a crust klutz like me, this mat performs double-duty!joseph joseph pastry mat sizeLast November, this mat and I made our way through 3 apple, 3 pumpkin, and 1 pecan pie in one day - that's 10 crusts that had to be rolled out!

Although you can put this one in the dishwasher, I haven't. It's just too easy to clean in the sink so I don't even think about it.

The rolling side is clearly marked with circles to help you roll out your pastry and the circles are marked both in inches (5-12) and centimeters (12.5-30). The sides are also marked off in case you're rolling out other kinds of pastry. One side is in centimeters (0-54) and the other is in inches (0-21).

Despite several years of use my little baby still looks and feels brand new. I know I've received my money's worth from this mat and if I had to buy another one or buy one for a friend this is the one I'd get.

Large Non-Slip Pastry Mat With Measurements
Large Non-Slip Pastry Mat With Measurements

This mat from Sillbake would be my second choice. It's about the same size and price as the Joseph Joseph and also made from silicone. In addition, it has other useful information printed on the mat including a recipe for pie dough, a recipe for sugar cookies, and some measurement conversions.

The real difference is the lack of a self-contained enclosure to keep the mat rolled up when not in use. You could store it in a box or hold it in place with a rubber band but I worry that doing so would mar the surface over time.

Norpro Silicone Pastry Mat with Measures
Norpro Silicone Pastry Mat with Measures

Norpro makes well-known pastry mats and this one, while close to the same size as the other two, has markings for pie crusts with a larger range - 6-15 inches. All four sides are marked off in inches so you can do round shapes, square or rectangle pastry work.

It's easy to clean but is thinner than the others and that might explain why it has such a low price.

Jumbo Pastry Mat
Jumbo Pastry Mat

This Jumbo mat will likely cost you a few dollars more than the others but it IS larger at 20 inches by 30 inches and that may be a must depending on the kinds of pastry you work with.

You can use it to roll out cookie dough and the extra size will help you get through more in a shorter amount of time. It's also marked with measurements and a conversion chart.

I find the added blue circles in the print unnecessary, though.

Folksy Kitchen Non-Stick Pastry Mat
Folksy Kitchen Non-Stick Pastry Mat

I like the way this one looks - the red is very pretty - but, again, I'm not sure more color is best when we're looking at something on which we can roll out dough, cookies, and pastry.

It does come in two sizes which means you can choose the one that is best for you.

It holds in place very well and can roll up for storage. On top of that, it comes with a little elastic bow you can wrap around it to hold the roll together when not being used.

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